Personalized 1-on-1 Nutritional

with a Nutritional Coaching Institute L1 certified coach.

Why schedule a Nutrition Consult?

You need someone in your corner to cut through all the health and nutrition B.S. out there, and simplify it down to the best, most proven strategies to get you to your desired results. Having a plan can provide you with the accountability and support you need when things get tough.

How your 1-on-1 consult will work

Awesome, you’ve decided to take the leap and take responsibility for your own health! Kuddos, for making a great decision. Your future self will thank you for it!

Once you’ve scheduled, you’ll recieve an intake packet with some questions regarding your current health and nutrition, what you’ve tried in the past, your future goals, and more. Once submitted, we will review your answers and prepare for your upcoming appointment.

From there, we will work together to identify the first step you can take in your journey toward a better version of yourself. We’ll lay the foundation and explain our recommendations.

Sustainable planning

We play the long game at Sapien. We aren’t in the business of extreme diets, detoxes or quick-but-impermanent fixes; we’re looking for long-term, lasting results thorough habit-building and education. This isn’t a meal a plan and we won’t sell you a cookbook. This is a goal-oriented guide to health through proper human nutrition.