What does a Chiropractor do when their Back Hurts??

What do Chiropractor’s do when their backs hurt?

I’ll use myself in this example because we’re all different. We all experience pain differently and we all respond to different pain relief strategies in our own ways and at our own rates. So if you want to know what I do then keep reading.

Here’s the quick and dirty answer…. usually nothing!

This is probably going to come to a surprise to many of you, but it’s the truth. I don’t run out immediately looking for an adjustment, a massage, and I definitely don’t call my doctor looking for pain meds.

So here’s how it usually goes down when I have back pain… the things that they all have in common is that everything I do is UNDER MY OWN CONTROL (this is the key)!

  1. Prioritize Sleep. I don’t eat at least 2 hours before bed. I wear blue light blocking glasses once the sun begins to set. I try to turn the TV off 30 minutes before bed. I do not look at my phone or other screens while in bed. I use blackout curtains. I also go to bed and wake up at the same time. Your body heals during sleep, so make sure that the quality of sleep that you’re getting while you’re in pain is maximized.

  2. Modify Activity. I change and modify the way that I move, the positions that I’m in, and the activity that I put out. I focus on doing things that feel good and avoiding things that make my pain worse. This goes for everything from the position that I sleep in, how I get out of a chair, to my workouts in the gym.

  3. Sit on the Floor. Healing and rehabbing from pain and injury happens on the floor. You do not get rid of pain on the couch! Pay attention to how much time you’re sitting on the couch or in a recliner. Sit on the floor. Lay on the floor. Kneel on the floor. Get on the floor and start moving and stretching and exploring different movements. The same rule applies… do what feels good and spend time in those positions. Learn what hurts or makes your pain worse and avoid those.

  4. Nutrition and Hydration. Focus on whole food nutrition. Meats, fruits, and veg. Stay away from inflammatory, highly-processed and refined foods. This goes for your “healthy” protein bars and fruit drinks too. Eat the foods that humans are meant to eat. Drink things like bone broth for the extra protein and collagen to help enhance and facilitate healing (I like the brand Kettle and Fire).

  5. Don’t rely on Rest and Ice. I never rest on the couch for any longer than a day. Movement facilitates blood flow. Without blood flow there is no healing. Ice prevents blood flow by constricting blood vessels. Use ice sparingly and only to reduce pain. I would never ice more than 2 times per day and no longer than 20 minutes a session. I like heat to bring in more warm, fresh blood and to loosen me up to allow my own movement to enhance healing.

  6. Be Patient. Your body will heal no matter what you do… but you can optimize and speed up the process! Our bodies are actually miraculous regenerative machines. When your bones shatter, they heal. When you cut your hand open, it closes. When you catch the flu, you get better. Give your body the things that it needs for you to be a healthy human and your pain will get better!

Get Back to Feeling HUMAN Again!


At Home Low Back Pain Relief.